
Hydroponics Equipment Supplier | Hydroponic Supplies

Hydrobuilder.com is a complete hydroponic supplies & equipment superstore and is the best place to buy whatever you need for your grow. Our huge selection of hydroponic systems, water chillers, grow trays, and all other supplies make us your one-stop hydro shop.

We carry hydroponic systems for every type of grow room & greenhouse, from beginner to hobby to professional and commercial gardens. We also have pH & EC testing supplies and nutrient & pH dosers to keep your plants healthy.

What Is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics sometimes referred to as hydro, is the means of growing plants without soil. Growing hydro is known for plants being suspended directly in water, or in an inert grow media to support the roots. This is becoming an increasingly popular method of indoor growing.

What are the pros and cons of hydroponics?

There are many advantages to growing hydroponically. This applies to any indoor growing, but hydroponic farming is not subject to typical growing seasons. In fact, hydroponic systems actually generate more harvests per year than plants grown in soil.

Growers tend to agree that plants grown in a hydroponic system not only yield more but produce higher quality buds.

Resources are conserved in hydro systems unlike growing in soil because water is recycled. Since plants are grown in a controlled environment, pests are also less common. Labor is lessened as well, considering there is no weeding, and irrigation is often automated with nutrient dosing.

Some of the main downsides of this style are the initial setup cost and the learning process. These systems sometimes can be pricey, but you are paying for quick, heavy harvests. Most hydroponic systems take some adjustment to operate at first and take a while to get used to. You need to take special care to feed nutrients properly, as overfeeding can have detrimental effects on plants.

The pros outweigh the cons greatly. As long as you spend the time to learn the art of this technique, and have the passion you will succeed.

What Are The Main Hydroponic Supplies You Need?

Hydroponic farming supplies are used to bring your hydro garden to life, and consist of a few different categories. Here at Hydrobuilder, we carry complete systems or you can piece together your own DIY system.

If you are more of a do-it-yourself person, try putting together your own system. Most DIY systems will use some if not all of the following products:

  • Reservoir or water tanks
  • Grow trays & stand
  • Water pump
  • Fittings & tubing
  • Air pump & air stone
  • Net pots or fabric pots & hydro grow media

These products are some of the essentials you will need to get a hydroponic setup running. However, depending on your goals, budget, and climate/region, you may need additional items such as:

  • Water chillers or heaters
  • Water filters (RO & sediment filters)
  • Autodosers & monitors
  • pH equipment

Along with the products you need to get your setup going, you will also need some general growing and gardening essentials. These items include plant nutrients, pruning products, harvest equipment, and more.

Hydro vs Soil

There are many differences between growing in nutrient-rich water and growing in soil. Soil is regarded as easier, and thus we recommend beginners start here. The soil acts as a buffer and is more forgiving to human error than a hydro system.

There are more components in a traditional hydroponic garden, and the learning curve behind this gardening technique is longer. The higher quality plants and heavier yields generated through this method means justify the increased workload and higher investment.

You need to pay more attention to detail because mistakes are magnified in a hydro system. Growers need to take special care to filter water as impurities can wreak havoc on the system and plants themselves.

If you are wondering if hydroponics is right for you, start by reading how to determine your growing method.

Hydroponic grow media

In traditional gardening, soil holds and supports the roots, keeping the plant upright. It also acts as a means of holding nutrients and water so the plant can grow.

In some hydroponic systems, the plant roots are suspended directly in a nutrient solution. Other systems require a form of hydroponic grow media. The most common are:

These inert grow mediums are responsible for stabilizing the plant, and provide excellent aeration. To learn more about these mediums, view our full Hydroponic Grow Media Section.

The Different Types Of Hydroponics

At Hydrobuilder, we offer four of the most common and effective types of hydroponic systems available, but there are two others you may come across. Most of these systems operate similarly, using a reservoir to hold nutrients and a grow tray or stand to hold the plants.

At Hydrobuilder, we offer four of the most common and effective types of hydroponic equipment supplies available, but there are others you may come across. All these systems operate similarly, using a reservoir to hold water/nutrients and a grow tray or stand to hold the plants.

  • Ebb and Flow - Commonly referred to as flood and drain, this style of growing is one of the easiest. Plants will have their root zone flooded with nutrients before they drain back out into the reservoir.
  • Deep Water Culture - Also known as DWC, this is the most simple hydro type available. Roots are suspended directly in the reservoir in a net pot. An air pump and stone provide constant oxygen to the submerged roots.
  • Aeroponics - In this system, roots are suspended in the air. Plants are fed by misting devices below the root zone. This is a very efficient process, ensuring the plant is constantly provided with ample oxygen and nutrients.
  • Hydroponic Drip System - Geared towards larger indoor gardens or commercial grows, this system uses drip hoses and nozzles to slowly feed plants.
  • Nutrient Film Technique - Referred to as NFT for short, this style uses a water pump to send nutrients from the reservoir into the grow tray. Then it slowly drains the solution back into the reservoir.
  • Wick System - This is a passive hydro system, which means there are no moving parts. Plants are suspended in a hydroponic grow media, and a wick extends from the reservoir, drawing nutrients into the tray.
  • Vertical Farming - This method maximizes space while saving water. Vertical gardening has quickly become a favorite of many growers looking to produce larger yields.

Not sure which hydroponic system is best for you? Don't worry, check out our guide discussing The 6 Different Types Of Hydroponic Systems .

What can be grown using hydroponic supplies & equipment?

Almost everything! If you can grow it in an outdoor garden, you can most likely grow it using a hydroponic garden. Here are some common vegetables you can grow using hydroponic farming:

  • Strawberries
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Mint
  • Basil
  • Lettuce
  • Green Beans

These are just a few of the plants you can grow with a hydroponic garden supply, the full list is endless!

What is the best online store to buy hydroponic supplies & equipment?

Finding a hydroponic equipment supplier online you trust isn’t always easy. Many stores all sell similar products around the same price, how do you choose which store is best for you?

For us it’s more than just selling products, it's our ability to empower our customers with knowledge. We understand the importance of giving our customers the knowledge to be successful on their own.

We are your one-stop-shop for all things indoor and outdoor growing, whether you have a small indoor veggie garden or grow crops for food production, Hydrobuilder is here to help!

Why Hydrobuilder Is The Best Online Hydroponics Supplies Store

Our online store consists of the best hydroponic garden supplies, perfect for both hobbyists to commercial growers. We carry the best brands in the industry like Current Culture, Botanicare, General Hydroponics, and more! You won’t have to worry about quality when you shop at our online hydroponics store.

Another reason to shop with us is that we have hands down the best service in the industry. No wonder why some of the largest commercial growers in the world continue to come back to us for all their needs.

In summary, Hydrobuilder has the best brands, the best prices, and the best service - guaranteed. Looking for hydroponics near me, well we are here to help.

Need help finding the best hydroponic system on the market? Check out our list of the best currently on the market!

For more information on hydroponics, check out our learning center! We are constantly adding fresh content there to help you grow the strongest plants possible. If you have any questions, give our experienced growing staff a call today at 888-815-9763!


Hydroponics Equipment Supplier | Hydroponic Supplies

Hydrobuilder.com is a complete hydroponic supplies & equipment superstore and is the best place to buy whatever you need for your grow. Our huge selection of hydroponic systems, water chillers, grow trays, and all other supplies make us your one-stop hydro shop.

We carry hydroponic systems for every type of grow room & greenhouse, from beginner to hobby to professional and commercial gardens. We also have pH & EC testing supplies and nutrient & pH dosers to keep your plants healthy.

What Is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics sometimes referred to as hydro, is the means of growing plants without soil. Growing hydro is known for plants being suspended directly in water, or in an inert grow media to support the roots. This is becoming an increasingly popular method of indoor growing.

What are the pros and cons of hydroponics?

There are many advantages to growing hydroponically. This applies to any indoor growing, but hydroponic farming is not subject to typical growing seasons. In fact, hydroponic systems actually generate more harvests per year than plants grown in soil.

Growers tend to agree that plants grown in a hydroponic system not only yield more but produce higher quality buds.

Resources are conserved in hydro systems unlike growing in soil because water is recycled. Since plants are grown in a controlled environment, pests are also less common. Labor is lessened as well, considering there is no weeding, and irrigation is often automated with nutrient dosing.

Some of the main downsides of this style are the initial setup cost and the learning process. These systems sometimes can be pricey, but you are paying for quick, heavy harvests. Most hydroponic systems take some adjustment to operate at first and take a while to get used to. You need to take special care to feed nutrients properly, as overfeeding can have detrimental effects on plants.

The pros outweigh the cons greatly. As long as you spend the time to learn the art of this technique, and have the passion you will succeed.

What Are The Main Hydroponic Supplies You Need?

Hydroponic farming supplies are used to bring your hydro garden to life, and consist of a few different categories. Here at Hydrobuilder, we carry complete systems or you can piece together your own DIY system.

If you are more of a do-it-yourself person, try putting together your own system. Most DIY systems will use some if not all of the following products:

  • Reservoir or water tanks
  • Grow trays & stand
  • Water pump
  • Fittings & tubing
  • Air pump & air stone
  • Net pots or fabric pots & hydro grow media

These products are some of the essentials you will need to get a hydroponic setup running. However, depending on your goals, budget, and climate/region, you may need additional items such as:

  • Water chillers or heaters
  • Water filters (RO & sediment filters)
  • Autodosers & monitors
  • pH equipment

Along with the products you need to get your setup going, you will also need some general growing and gardening essentials. These items include plant nutrients, pruning products, harvest equipment, and more.

Hydro vs Soil

There are many differences between growing in nutrient-rich water and growing in soil. Soil is regarded as easier, and thus we recommend beginners start here. The soil acts as a buffer and is more forgiving to human error than a hydro system.

There are more components in a traditional hydroponic garden, and the learning curve behind this gardening technique is longer. The higher quality plants and heavier yields generated through this method means justify the increased workload and higher investment.

You need to pay more attention to detail because mistakes are magnified in a hydro system. Growers need to take special care to filter water as impurities can wreak havoc on the system and plants themselves.

If you are wondering if hydroponics is right for you, start by reading how to determine your growing method.

Hydroponic grow media

In traditional gardening, soil holds and supports the roots, keeping the plant upright. It also acts as a means of holding nutrients and water so the plant can grow.

In some hydroponic systems, the plant roots are suspended directly in a nutrient solution. Other systems require a form of hydroponic grow media. The most common are:

These inert grow mediums are responsible for stabilizing the plant, and provide excellent aeration. To learn more about these mediums, view our full Hydroponic Grow Media Section.

The Different Types Of Hydroponics

At Hydrobuilder, we offer four of the most common and effective types of hydroponic systems available, but there are two others you may come across. Most of these systems operate similarly, using a reservoir to hold nutrients and a grow tray or stand to hold the plants.

At Hydrobuilder, we offer four of the most common and effective types of hydroponic equipment supplies available, but there are others you may come across. All these systems operate similarly, using a reservoir to hold water/nutrients and a grow tray or stand to hold the plants.

  • Ebb and Flow - Commonly referred to as flood and drain, this style of growing is one of the easiest. Plants will have their root zone flooded with nutrients before they drain back out into the reservoir.
  • Deep Water Culture - Also known as DWC, this is the most simple hydro type available. Roots are suspended directly in the reservoir in a net pot. An air pump and stone provide constant oxygen to the submerged roots.
  • Aeroponics - In this system, roots are suspended in the air. Plants are fed by misting devices below the root zone. This is a very efficient process, ensuring the plant is constantly provided with ample oxygen and nutrients.
  • Hydroponic Drip System - Geared towards larger indoor gardens or commercial grows, this system uses drip hoses and nozzles to slowly feed plants.
  • Nutrient Film Technique - Referred to as NFT for short, this style uses a water pump to send nutrients from the reservoir into the grow tray. Then it slowly drains the solution back into the reservoir.
  • Wick System - This is a passive hydro system, which means there are no moving parts. Plants are suspended in a hydroponic grow media, and a wick extends from the reservoir, drawing nutrients into the tray.
  • Vertical Farming - This method maximizes space while saving water. Vertical gardening has quickly become a favorite of many growers looking to produce larger yields.

Not sure which hydroponic system is best for you? Don't worry, check out our guide discussing The 6 Different Types Of Hydroponic Systems .

What can be grown using hydroponic supplies & equipment?

Almost everything! If you can grow it in an outdoor garden, you can most likely grow it using a hydroponic garden. Here are some common vegetables you can grow using hydroponic farming:

  • Strawberries
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Mint
  • Basil
  • Lettuce
  • Green Beans

These are just a few of the plants you can grow with a hydroponic garden supply, the full list is endless!

What is the best online store to buy hydroponic supplies & equipment?

Finding a hydroponic equipment supplier online you trust isn’t always easy. Many stores all sell similar products around the same price, how do you choose which store is best for you?

For us it’s more than just selling products, it's our ability to empower our customers with knowledge. We understand the importance of giving our customers the knowledge to be successful on their own.

We are your one-stop-shop for all things indoor and outdoor growing, whether you have a small indoor veggie garden or grow crops for food production, Hydrobuilder is here to help!

Why Hydrobuilder Is The Best Online Hydroponics Supplies Store

Our online store consists of the best hydroponic garden supplies, perfect for both hobbyists to commercial growers. We carry the best brands in the industry like Current Culture, Botanicare, General Hydroponics, and more! You won’t have to worry about quality when you shop at our online hydroponics store.

Another reason to shop with us is that we have hands down the best service in the industry. No wonder why some of the largest commercial growers in the world continue to come back to us for all their needs.

In summary, Hydrobuilder has the best brands, the best prices, and the best service - guaranteed. Looking for hydroponics near me, well we are here to help.

Need help finding the best hydroponic system on the market? Check out our list of the best currently on the market!

For more information on hydroponics, check out our learning center! We are constantly adding fresh content there to help you grow the strongest plants possible. If you have any questions, give our experienced growing staff a call today at 888-815-9763!