Advanced Nutrients

When it comes to fertilizing your indoor or outdoor plants with the best, Advanced Nutrients is the line for you.

Hobbyists and commercial growers alike rely on this brand to produce huge, potent plants consistently. If you’re in the market for your next nute package, look no further! This is as good as it gets.

No other brand stands up to the test when it comes to innovation and creativity. These nutrients are handcrafted by an expert team of 23 scientists, with a research & development team to assist in continually improving upon the Advanced Nutrients product line.

When it comes to feeding plant growing nutrients, the name of the game is absorption and potency. These guys are known for knocking both of these metrics out of the water.

Is Advanced Nutrients Organic?

Many organic growers hear the hype behind AN, and want to implement this nutrient line into their own garden or grow room. Is it possible?

It depends on which specific elements of the AN feeding chart you’re referring to - because not every aspect of this line is organic.

However, the folks at Advanced thought of the organic growers out there, and developed a line of organic based nutrients specifically for them.

They developed a certified Organic OIM (organic input material) program, meaning these nutrients are tested to incredibly high standards and still considered organic.

By implementing the Advanced Nutrients organic line in your grow, you can rest assured you are feeding your plants the cleanest, healthiest fertilizer possible. They’ll reward you with your heaviest, most potent harvest to date. No synthetic traces left behind, nothing your consumers need to worry about - just the best crop you’ve ever cultivated.

Are Advanced Nutrients Worth The Money?

Advanced Nutrients is worth the money - no question. If you’re investing in fertilizer for your crop, you need to consider what your goals are as a grower to justify this AN pricetag.

If you’re looking for a budget friendly nute line, we have plenty of those - and they’ll certainly get the job done. But most growers who are looking into Advanced are doing so because they want the best.

AN produces above average yields & quality - so you can expect to pay a bit more to bring this line into your grow room, greenhouse, or garden.

You’ll certainly get that money back in terms of harvest quantity and quantity. Both the weight and quality of your harvested crop will far outweigh the increased investment this nutrient line requires.

So instead of asking if this line is worth the money, ask yourself instead, do I want to invest in my grow and cultivate the best crop possible, or am I looking to cut corners and just get by doing the bare minimum?

From there, you can easily assess whether you want to invest in a premium nutrient package like Advanced.

We also need to know what type of plants you’re growing. For example, if you’re simply growing herbs on your countertop, this line would certainly be overkill. However, any budding or flowering plant that has high nutrition needs can definitely benefit from this line.

Are Advanced Nutrients The Best?

Now, we have addressed whether these are worth the money or not - there is no question. But is it fair to say that Advanced Nutrients is the best fertilizer you can feed your plants?

In our opinion, this is definitely in the conversation. That’s why you can find their complete nutrient package on our year end review of the best plant nutrients of the year.

However, this is just one of the many awesome fertilizers you can choose from. There are some other great options worth considering, such as General Hydroponics, Botanicare, and more!

The Different Components Of The Advanced Nutrients Product Line

Every single item within the Advanced Nutrients product line is awesome - but separately, they do not perform to the same standard as they would if you were to implement the complete line.

That’s why we’ve formulated an easy to purchase nutrient package, containing each and every necessary additive and base nutrient. Let’s briefly touch on each one, and what it does!

pH Perfect Base Nutrients

The base of the entire Advanced Nutrients product line are the pH perfect base nutrients. These create the foundation of the entire nutrition profile, and everything else in this produce line just help round everything out.

There is a grow, micro & bloom formulation, making this a 3-part nutrient package. Together, this trifecta seeks to provide the most rounded nutrition profile possible, with an unparalleled formula of amino acids and micronutrients to compliment the big three - Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

The name ‘pH Perfect’ speaks to one of the biggest advantages of bringing the Advanced Nutrients product line into your grow room or garden - the optimized pH level.

It’s no secret that one of the most important yet frustrating tasks of cultivation is constantly monitoring and adjusting the pH of your nutrients and/or reservoir. pH perfect technology makes this a non-issue, as the pH comes pre-calibrated right in your nutrient bottles! No other nutrient brand can boast this technology.

Root Enhancers

The bigger the root, the bigger the fruit, and that’s why there are a couple different options you have in terms of root mass expanders by AN: Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, and Piranha.

All three of these are awesome additives, and have their place in the grow room. Voodoo Juice, perhaps the most popular, contains up to 11 different isolated strains of rhizobacteria, helping you expand root mass by as much as 117%!

Piranha consists of beneficial fungi to help you expand root surface area and length by as much as 75%. Then you have Tarantula, which acts as a conditioner and improves bacterial conditions in your media. All three of these additives are crucial for serious growers looking for their heaviest, most potent harvest to date. It all starts with the roots!

Crop Substrates

There are two other supplements by AN that boost overall crop health and contribute to higher yields - referred to as crop substrates. These are Sensizym & Ancient Earth.

Ancient Earth is an organic humic & fulvic acid additive, which is the first of its kind. Whereas most additives of this nature contain either short chain fulvic acid or long chain humic acid, Ancient Earth utilizes both to deliver the best of both worlds! The result of this is a healthier, more vibrant plant, which is capable of uptaking more nutrients.

Sensizym, on the other hand, combats root disease while further maximizing nutrient absorption. It does this through a combination of bioactive enzymes, which help breakdown organic matter in the root zone. Commercial growers often praise this additive for allowing them to stretch their media even further, reusing it for an extra crop cycle or two!

Plant Stalk & Bud Strengtheners

A lot of focus gets put on producing bigger, more potent buds. But as a grower, you should first consider how to grow a bigger, stronger veg plant! This allows you to cultivate a plant capable of supporting heavy flowers come harvest time.

Rhino Skin, Tasty Terpenes, and B-52 are three strengthening additives by AN that will do just this. The first, Rhino Skin, seeks to strengthen plant tissue. This leads to an increased resistance to bugs & diseases, through harder cell walls. Simultaneously, your plants will use some of the silicon & essential oils from this additive to further improve trichome & resin development.

Then you have Tasty Terpenes, which is one of the only organic bud bulkers on the market right now. It’s formulated from natural, high-quality ingredients such as bat guano, worm castings, and more, to improve yield, quality, aroma, color and resin!

B-52 is a great source of vitamins & amino acids for your plants, but it also contains kelp extract, humic & fulvic acids, and more. By adding this supplement to your regimen, your plants will be far more resistant to all types of stress, with stronger branches and flowers.

Cal-Mag Additives

No nutrition profile is complete without a source of both calcium and magnesium, as these are two of the most important elements for your plants. In fact, some growers claim that calcium for plants is even more important than some of the macronutrients!

That’s why AN produces two supplements that contain these essentials: Cal-Mag Xtra & Revive. If you’re just looking to provide Calcium & Magnesium, then Cal-Mag Xtra is for you. It also contains optimal levels of micronutrients to further improve uptake of the main two nutrients in it.

Revive is an incredibly unique additive in that it’s essentially liquid CPR for your plants. If they are struggling with any sort of issue, it can usually be remedied with Revive.

Chalk-full of healing nutrition, this can be applied at the roots or as a foliar spray - whichever makes the most sense for you.

Whichever the case, you can rest assured your plants will bounce back from just about any nutrient deficiency or plant problem!

Flower Hardeners & Developers

Everyone's favorite additives tend to be those that really help you pack on bud weight & improve quality - and AN has a few noteworthy products in this category! When used synergistically, these three products are an absolute powerhouse for budding: Bud Ignitor, Big Bud, & Overdrive.

The first, Bud Ignitor, is a trigger to help kick off the flowering cycle. It tells your plants it's time to change their priority from vegetative growth to blooming. In fact, you’ll start seeing robust flower growth as soon as 5 days after initial Bud Ignitor! But that’s not all, as it also contributes to shorter internodes. This means more flowers per branch.

Big Bud provides a potent boost of amino acids to your plant which aids in bud development. Containing large quantities of potassium and phosphorus, along with a blend of L-amino acids, you will be blown away by the flower development you see.

Last but not least, we have Overdrive. This finishing additive is used in the final stages of flower development to reinvigorate your crops as they start to slow down. Using this additive, you can achieve an increase in density that substantially increases your harvest weight.

Terpene Enhancers & Flushers

There is no question that growers should seek to increase terpenes in their grow, as this directly affects the quality of your flower. We have all kinds of tips and tricks to help you do this, but perhaps the easiest and quickest way is simply using one of these two additives by AN.

Bud Candy & Flawless Finish work together to increase terpenes & flavonoids, while flushing out any excess salt buildup in your plants for a more pleasant consumption experience.

Bud Candy is a carbohydrate supplement which gives your plants the energy they need to fully ripen, which is where you’ll see the most terpene development. All of this contributes to better taste and aroma.

Flawless Finish is used throughout the grow cycle and again at the end to flush out any built up compounds within your plant. Flushing your plants is a crucial final step to fully enjoy your flower. And with the chelates in this formula, you will enjoy the cleaned crop to date!

These are just some of the most noteworthy members of the Advanced Nutrients product line, but they are certainly not the only ones. We also want to mention that you shouldn’t just buy these individually and start feeding your plants willy-nilly.

Instead, invest in a complete package and follow the included feeding schedule to ensure you are feeding your plants what they need, when they need it.

Where Is The Best Place To Buy Advanced Nutrients?

If you’re looking to add this line to your garden or grow room, soil plants or hydroponics plants, then you are in the right place.

Here at Hydrobuilder, we are your one stop shop for all things horticulture - whether you grow indoors or outdoors, in soil or hydroponically, we have everything you need to take your plants from seed to harvest.

So, it should come at no surprise that we are the best place to buy Advanced Nutrients. With the best prices online, we can help you get the best fertilizers at the lowest prices.

And if you’re a commercial grower considering implementing this line in your crop, we can get you even better pricing on higher quantities when you work with us under our commercial grower program!

We carry the complete line from AN, and have put together a complete Advanced Nutrients Starter Kit group containing the most important elements of the line so you can provide your plants with full spectrum nutrition from seed to harvest, following the Advanced Nutrients feeding chart.

Learn More About Plant Nutrition

By now you’re likely ready to buy Advanced Nutrients and get to growing. Go ahead and grab your fertilizer, but before you start adding it to your reservoir or soil, read up on our complete guide on plant nutrients & pH first.

This is a must read for new growers, but even seasoned green thumbs can benefit from brushing up on their knowledge. We also explore a multitude of nutrient related topics in our blog, such as understanding the importance of NPK ratio, how often to feed your plants nutrients, and much more!

Advanced Nutrients

When it comes to fertilizing your indoor or outdoor plants with the best, Advanced Nutrients is the line for you.

Hobbyists and commercial growers alike rely on this brand to produce huge, potent plants consistently. If you’re in the market for your next nute package, look no further! This is as good as it gets.

No other brand stands up to the test when it comes to innovation and creativity. These nutrients are handcrafted by an expert team of 23 scientists, with a research & development team to assist in continually improving upon the Advanced Nutrients product line.

When it comes to feeding plant growing nutrients, the name of the game is absorption and potency. These guys are known for knocking both of these metrics out of the water.

Is Advanced Nutrients Organic?

Many organic growers hear the hype behind AN, and want to implement this nutrient line into their own garden or grow room. Is it possible?

It depends on which specific elements of the AN feeding chart you’re referring to - because not every aspect of this line is organic.

However, the folks at Advanced thought of the organic growers out there, and developed a line of organic based nutrients specifically for them.

They developed a certified Organic OIM (organic input material) program, meaning these nutrients are tested to incredibly high standards and still considered organic.

By implementing the Advanced Nutrients organic line in your grow, you can rest assured you are feeding your plants the cleanest, healthiest fertilizer possible. They’ll reward you with your heaviest, most potent harvest to date. No synthetic traces left behind, nothing your consumers need to worry about - just the best crop you’ve ever cultivated.

Are Advanced Nutrients Worth The Money?

Advanced Nutrients is worth the money - no question. If you’re investing in fertilizer for your crop, you need to consider what your goals are as a grower to justify this AN pricetag.

If you’re looking for a budget friendly nute line, we have plenty of those - and they’ll certainly get the job done. But most growers who are looking into Advanced are doing so because they want the best.

AN produces above average yields & quality - so you can expect to pay a bit more to bring this line into your grow room, greenhouse, or garden.

You’ll certainly get that money back in terms of harvest quantity and quantity. Both the weight and quality of your harvested crop will far outweigh the increased investment this nutrient line requires.

So instead of asking if this line is worth the money, ask yourself instead, do I want to invest in my grow and cultivate the best crop possible, or am I looking to cut corners and just get by doing the bare minimum?

From there, you can easily assess whether you want to invest in a premium nutrient package like Advanced.

We also need to know what type of plants you’re growing. For example, if you’re simply growing herbs on your countertop, this line would certainly be overkill. However, any budding or flowering plant that has high nutrition needs can definitely benefit from this line.

Are Advanced Nutrients The Best?

Now, we have addressed whether these are worth the money or not - there is no question. But is it fair to say that Advanced Nutrients is the best fertilizer you can feed your plants?

In our opinion, this is definitely in the conversation. That’s why you can find their complete nutrient package on our year end review of the best plant nutrients of the year.

However, this is just one of the many awesome fertilizers you can choose from. There are some other great options worth considering, such as General Hydroponics, Botanicare, and more!

The Different Components Of The Advanced Nutrients Product Line

Every single item within the Advanced Nutrients product line is awesome - but separately, they do not perform to the same standard as they would if you were to implement the complete line.

That’s why we’ve formulated an easy to purchase nutrient package, containing each and every necessary additive and base nutrient. Let’s briefly touch on each one, and what it does!

pH Perfect Base Nutrients

The base of the entire Advanced Nutrients product line are the pH perfect base nutrients. These create the foundation of the entire nutrition profile, and everything else in this produce line just help round everything out.

There is a grow, micro & bloom formulation, making this a 3-part nutrient package. Together, this trifecta seeks to provide the most rounded nutrition profile possible, with an unparalleled formula of amino acids and micronutrients to compliment the big three - Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

The name ‘pH Perfect’ speaks to one of the biggest advantages of bringing the Advanced Nutrients product line into your grow room or garden - the optimized pH level.

It’s no secret that one of the most important yet frustrating tasks of cultivation is constantly monitoring and adjusting the pH of your nutrients and/or reservoir. pH perfect technology makes this a non-issue, as the pH comes pre-calibrated right in your nutrient bottles! No other nutrient brand can boast this technology.

Root Enhancers

The bigger the root, the bigger the fruit, and that’s why there are a couple different options you have in terms of root mass expanders by AN: Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, and Piranha.

All three of these are awesome additives, and have their place in the grow room. Voodoo Juice, perhaps the most popular, contains up to 11 different isolated strains of rhizobacteria, helping you expand root mass by as much as 117%!

Piranha consists of beneficial fungi to help you expand root surface area and length by as much as 75%. Then you have Tarantula, which acts as a conditioner and improves bacterial conditions in your media. All three of these additives are crucial for serious growers looking for their heaviest, most potent harvest to date. It all starts with the roots!

Crop Substrates

There are two other supplements by AN that boost overall crop health and contribute to higher yields - referred to as crop substrates. These are Sensizym & Ancient Earth.

Ancient Earth is an organic humic & fulvic acid additive, which is the first of its kind. Whereas most additives of this nature contain either short chain fulvic acid or long chain humic acid, Ancient Earth utilizes both to deliver the best of both worlds! The result of this is a healthier, more vibrant plant, which is capable of uptaking more nutrients.

Sensizym, on the other hand, combats root disease while further maximizing nutrient absorption. It does this through a combination of bioactive enzymes, which help breakdown organic matter in the root zone. Commercial growers often praise this additive for allowing them to stretch their media even further, reusing it for an extra crop cycle or two!

Plant Stalk & Bud Strengtheners

A lot of focus gets put on producing bigger, more potent buds. But as a grower, you should first consider how to grow a bigger, stronger veg plant! This allows you to cultivate a plant capable of supporting heavy flowers come harvest time.

Rhino Skin, Tasty Terpenes, and B-52 are three strengthening additives by AN that will do just this. The first, Rhino Skin, seeks to strengthen plant tissue. This leads to an increased resistance to bugs & diseases, through harder cell walls. Simultaneously, your plants will use some of the silicon & essential oils from this additive to further improve trichome & resin development.

Then you have Tasty Terpenes, which is one of the only organic bud bulkers on the market right now. It’s formulated from natural, high-quality ingredients such as bat guano, worm castings, and more, to improve yield, quality, aroma, color and resin!

B-52 is a great source of vitamins & amino acids for your plants, but it also contains kelp extract, humic & fulvic acids, and more. By adding this supplement to your regimen, your plants will be far more resistant to all types of stress, with stronger branches and flowers.

Cal-Mag Additives

No nutrition profile is complete without a source of both calcium and magnesium, as these are two of the most important elements for your plants. In fact, some growers claim that calcium for plants is even more important than some of the macronutrients!

That’s why AN produces two supplements that contain these essentials: Cal-Mag Xtra & Revive. If you’re just looking to provide Calcium & Magnesium, then Cal-Mag Xtra is for you. It also contains optimal levels of micronutrients to further improve uptake of the main two nutrients in it.

Revive is an incredibly unique additive in that it’s essentially liquid CPR for your plants. If they are struggling with any sort of issue, it can usually be remedied with Revive.

Chalk-full of healing nutrition, this can be applied at the roots or as a foliar spray - whichever makes the most sense for you.

Whichever the case, you can rest assured your plants will bounce back from just about any nutrient deficiency or plant problem!

Flower Hardeners & Developers

Everyone's favorite additives tend to be those that really help you pack on bud weight & improve quality - and AN has a few noteworthy products in this category! When used synergistically, these three products are an absolute powerhouse for budding: Bud Ignitor, Big Bud, & Overdrive.

The first, Bud Ignitor, is a trigger to help kick off the flowering cycle. It tells your plants it's time to change their priority from vegetative growth to blooming. In fact, you’ll start seeing robust flower growth as soon as 5 days after initial Bud Ignitor! But that’s not all, as it also contributes to shorter internodes. This means more flowers per branch.

Big Bud provides a potent boost of amino acids to your plant which aids in bud development. Containing large quantities of potassium and phosphorus, along with a blend of L-amino acids, you will be blown away by the flower development you see.

Last but not least, we have Overdrive. This finishing additive is used in the final stages of flower development to reinvigorate your crops as they start to slow down. Using this additive, you can achieve an increase in density that substantially increases your harvest weight.

Terpene Enhancers & Flushers

There is no question that growers should seek to increase terpenes in their grow, as this directly affects the quality of your flower. We have all kinds of tips and tricks to help you do this, but perhaps the easiest and quickest way is simply using one of these two additives by AN.

Bud Candy & Flawless Finish work together to increase terpenes & flavonoids, while flushing out any excess salt buildup in your plants for a more pleasant consumption experience.

Bud Candy is a carbohydrate supplement which gives your plants the energy they need to fully ripen, which is where you’ll see the most terpene development. All of this contributes to better taste and aroma.

Flawless Finish is used throughout the grow cycle and again at the end to flush out any built up compounds within your plant. Flushing your plants is a crucial final step to fully enjoy your flower. And with the chelates in this formula, you will enjoy the cleaned crop to date!

These are just some of the most noteworthy members of the Advanced Nutrients product line, but they are certainly not the only ones. We also want to mention that you shouldn’t just buy these individually and start feeding your plants willy-nilly.

Instead, invest in a complete package and follow the included feeding schedule to ensure you are feeding your plants what they need, when they need it.

Where Is The Best Place To Buy Advanced Nutrients?

If you’re looking to add this line to your garden or grow room, soil plants or hydroponics plants, then you are in the right place.

Here at Hydrobuilder, we are your one stop shop for all things horticulture - whether you grow indoors or outdoors, in soil or hydroponically, we have everything you need to take your plants from seed to harvest.

So, it should come at no surprise that we are the best place to buy Advanced Nutrients. With the best prices online, we can help you get the best fertilizers at the lowest prices.

And if you’re a commercial grower considering implementing this line in your crop, we can get you even better pricing on higher quantities when you work with us under our commercial grower program!

We carry the complete line from AN, and have put together a complete Advanced Nutrients Starter Kit group containing the most important elements of the line so you can provide your plants with full spectrum nutrition from seed to harvest, following the Advanced Nutrients feeding chart.

Learn More About Plant Nutrition

By now you’re likely ready to buy Advanced Nutrients and get to growing. Go ahead and grab your fertilizer, but before you start adding it to your reservoir or soil, read up on our complete guide on plant nutrients & pH first.

This is a must read for new growers, but even seasoned green thumbs can benefit from brushing up on their knowledge. We also explore a multitude of nutrient related topics in our blog, such as understanding the importance of NPK ratio, how often to feed your plants nutrients, and much more!

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1-20 of 63

  1. New
    Advanced Nutrients Cultivator Series

    Select Products To Build Your Nutrient Package

  2. New
    Advanced Nutrients Sensi Professional Series Water Soluble Nutrient Package

    Select Products To Build Your Nutrient Package

  3. New
    Advanced Nutrients OG Organics Nutrient Package

    Select Products To Build Your Nutrient Package

  4. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect 3 Part Nutrient Package

    Select Products To Build Your Nutrient Package

  5. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Connoisseur Coco Nutrient Package

    Select Products To Build Your Nutrient Package

  6. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Connoisseur Nutrient Package

    Select Products To Build Your Nutrient Package

  7. Advanced Nutrients Starter Kit - pH Perfect Sensi Coco Nutrient Package

    Select Products To Build Your Nutrient Package

  8. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Nutrient Package

    Select Products To Build Your Nutrient Package

  9. New
    Advanced Nutrients Cultivator Series Grow 2-9-24, 25 lbs.
  10. New
    Advanced Nutrients Cultivator Series Base 14-0-0, 25 lbs.
  11. New
    Advanced Nutrients Cultivator Series Bloom 3-13-26, 25 lbs.
  12. Advanced Nutrients Sensi Professional Series Grow B Soluble, 25 lb
  13. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part A

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part A

    Item #: ANGROWA

    Available in 6 Options

    $17.87 - $193.66
  14. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part B

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part B

    Item #: ANGROWB

    Available in 6 Options

    $17.87 - $193.66
  15. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A

    Item #: ANBLOOMA

    Available in 6 Options

    $17.87 - $193.66
  16. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B

    Item #: ANBLOOMB

    Available in 6 Options

    $17.87 - $193.66
  17. Advanced Nutrients B-52

    Advanced Nutrients B-52

    Item #: ANB52

    Available in 6 Options

    $46.51 - $1,311.73
  18. Advanced Nutrients OG Organics Iguana Juice Bloom

    Advanced Nutrients OG Organics Iguana Juice Bloom

    Item #: ANIJOB

    Available in 5 Options

    $30.63 - $402.00
  19. Advanced Nutrients Big Bud Powder

    Advanced Nutrients Big Bud Powder

    Item #: ANBBP

    Available in 6 Options

    $22.84 - $2,077.31
  20. Advanced Nutrients Big Bud Liquid

    Advanced Nutrients Big Bud Liquid

    Item #: ANBB

    Available in 6 Options

    $38.63 - $1,339.12
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