Fermented Plant Extracts are liquid preparations designed to act as probiotics within the soil. They increase the diversity and population size of beneficial microbiology in soil which leads to higher nutrient availability and density. Fermented Plant Extract products are effective in compost piles as accelerators, root drenches, soil conditioners, foliar sprays, leaf washes, or an addition to compost teas. Fermented Plant extracts have been proven useful in a non-recirculating drain to waste hydroponic settings as root drenches and foliar sprays as well. Fermented plant extracts are safe for application through drip lines, sprinklers, and other emitters and implements without clogging. Typical results are higher yield, enhanced fragrance, flavor, colors, and increased resistance to pathogens. Fermented Plant Extracts are designed for use in living soil systems; however, they will augment conventional agricultural practices as well and are designed for flexible use in modern agriculture equipment, landscape infrastructure, as well as for the home gardener.
All Fermented Plant Extracts are produced from fresh plant matter from naturally & regeneratively farmed crops grown on our farm or our friend’s small family farms. We have production in two locations so we can produce local microbiological inoculants for the regions. Western Colorado and Asheville, North Carolina facilities brew and produce fermented plant extracts in small batches to ensure quality and freshness.