You are probably aware that you should be using intake fans and exhaust fans to bring in fresh air while expelling stagnant air. But did you know that you should be using circulating fans within your grow room or grow tent? There are a number of reasons for this.
Why use an oscillating fan in the grow room?
Using an oscillating fan in your grow room or grow tent has a number of benefits. For one, circulating the air in your growing space will help control temperatures and humidity.
A constant gentle breeze on your plants will result in stronger stems, capable of supporting the heavy buds you hope to cultivate come flowering! A steady breeze also helps cut down on pests, which can result from stagnant air.
Which oscillating fan is best for my grow room?
Choosing the right fan for your indoor garden will depend on the size of your growing space along with the equipment in use. If you are using high powered grow lights and CO2 devices you will have a lot of heat in your grow room and need to size accordingly.
You should get an oscillating fan with a CFM (cubic feet per minute) equal to or greater than the size of your growing space. For example, if your cubic growing space is 1000', you should have a 1,000 CFM fan.
Some of these fans include a built-in fan speed controller, which allows you to automate fan speed without using a separate controller. If you already have a multi-function grow room controllers, you can use it to program these fans, otherwise you will need a separate fan speed controller.
Not sure which fan is right for you, or have any other questions? Give our experienced growers a call today at 888-815-9763 and let us help!
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