Foliar spraying is the means of feeding your plant by spraying nutrients directly onto the foliage of the plant, or the leaves with a garden sprayer. One of the main reasons to feed your plant via foliar spray is for the quick absorption when compared to soil feeding. When a deficiency becomes evident, it makes more sense to spray the corrective nutrient onto the plant to alleviate the issue as quickly as possible, because uptake through the root system would take longer, and allow more damage to occur. It is important to note that foliar feeding should not replace soil feeding, but act as a supplement in certain situations.
Can I foliar feed during flowering?
While foliar feeding is great for vegetative stages as well as the first week or two of flowering, you will want to stop foliar feeding through the remainder of flowering, to prevent damaging your buds and risking an unsuccessful harvest.
What is the best time to foliar feed?
The best time to foliar feed is with the lights off, as to prevent the lights from drying up the nutrients too quickly, and because the stem and leaves are in their most effective absorption period immediately after turning the lights off.
If you have any questions about foliar sprays or any other products we offer, give us a call at 888-815-9763 and let our experienced growers help you out! To learn more about foliar spraying and other topics regarding Nutrients and Fertilizer, visit our learning center!