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- BioWorks MilStop Broad Spectrum Organic Fungicide
An Organic, Water-Soluble Broad Spectrum Foliar Fungicide
MilStop SP is an organic fungicide for curative control of Powdery Mildew and preventative control of many other foliar diseases such as:
- Alternaria Blight
- Anthracnose
- Black Spot
- Botrytis Blight
- Downy Mildew
- Phomopsis Blight
- Cercospora
- Septoria Leaf Spots
Active Ingredient
Potassium bicarbonate
Features & Benefits
- Kills Powdery Mildew on contact
- Provides 1-2 weeks of residual protection
- Dissolves in water
- No visible residue, dries quickly and cleanly
- Cost effective; comes pre-formulated with surfactants
- University tested and proven to be effective
- Designated by the US FDA as G.R.A.S.
- Does not restrict plant growth
- No special storage conditions
- MilStop SP is an OMRI Listed product
- Exempt from residue
Disease Control
MilStop SP is an effective fungicide for the preventive control of many foliar diseases including: Alternaria Blight, Anthracnose, Black Spot, Botrytis Blight, Downy Mildew, Phomopsis Blight, and Cercospora and Septoria Leaf Spots.
Kills Powdery Mildew
MilStop SP will cure and prevent Powdery Mildew. There is no known resistance. Use at or before the first sign of disease.
Integrated Pest Management
An excellent disease management tool as a stand-alone fungicide for foliar disease control or alternated as part of an integrated pest management program.
Application Notes
- Use at or before the first sign of disease
- Do not acidify water. Do not add a buffer agent to spray tank mixture.
- Never apply more than 5 lb / week
- Do not apply during the hot part of the day
- Use caution with open blooms. Test on a small scale
- Complete coverage is crucial for performance
- *MilStop SP works well when tank-mixed with CEASE
- Shorten the interval during rainy weather or during periods of high relative humidity
- Uniform and complete coverage using a properly calibrated sprayer is essential for the best results
- Do not add any surfactants, they are already in the formulation
*MilStop SP is an excellent tank-mix partner with CEASE. Together these products have shown to provide an added boost in controlling pathogens.
Application Rates
- Apply preventively at 2.5 lb/acre every 2 weeks until conditions are no longer favorable for disease development
- To curatively kill Powdery Mildew, apply up to the maximum rate (5 lb/acre) every week for 3 weeks
- Greenhouse
- Preventative: 4.6 oz/10,000 sq ft (1.25 lb/acre/100 gal)
- Curative: 11 oz/10,000 sq ft (3 lb/acre/100 gal), up to 18.4 oz/10,000 sq ft (5 lb/acre/100 gal)
- Field
- Preventative: 2 lb/acre/100 gal
- Curative: up to 5 lb/acre
BioWorks MilStop Broad Spectrum Organic Fungicide Videos
BioWorks MilStop Broad Spectrum Organic Fungicide Questions & Answers
Q: What is MilStop?
A: MilStop is an EPA-registered, broad-spectrum foliar fungicide for curative control of powdery mildew and preventative control of many other foliar diseases. MilStop has a 1-hour REI and is compatible with many beneficial insects. The active ingredient in MilStop – Potassium Bicarbonate – has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a G.R.A.S. (Generally Regarded as Safe) product.
Q: How does MilStop work?
A: MilStop’s mode of action is almost immediate in causing the desiccation of fungal spores upon contact. It also inhibits enzymes involved in fungal cell wall formation by altering the pH levels on the leaf surface.
Q: What diseases does MilStop control?
A: MilStop controls Alternaria blight, Anthracnose, Black Spot, Botrytis blight, Botrytis gray mold, Cercospora leaf blight, Corynespora leaf spot, Monilinea fruit and blossom rot, Downy mildew, Penicillium spp., Phomopsis blight, Powdery mildew, Rust, Scab, Septoria leaf spot
Q: On what crops is MilStop labeled?
A: MilStop is labeled on over 85 annual and perennial flowers, ornamental and shade trees, woody and herbaceous ornamentals, many herbs and vegetables, and fruit and nut trees. See label for specific crops
Q: What are the application rates?
A: Apply 2.5 to 5.0 lbs of MilStop per acre per week. For low-growing crops such as bedding plants, BioWorks recommends between 25 to 50 gallons of water be applied per acre. For medium height crops, apply between 50 to 100 gallons of water and for taller crops such as roses, apply between 100 to 200 gallons per acre. (Always read and follow the label directions.)
Q: What is the chemical compatibility of MilStop?
A: MilStop is compatible with most chemical pesticides and can be used in a rotation with chemicals in an Integrated Pest Management approach to disease control. MilStop can be used as a stand-alone fungicide for foliar disease control. Use caution when tank mixing. MilStop contains 2 surfactants. Tank mixing with other pesticides containing surfactants may increase the risk of phytotoxicity. Always test on a small scale before expanding to large scale use. Be cautious when tank mixing with chemicals sensitive to high pH. MilStop in solution has a pH of 8.0.
Q: Are there any precautions with MilStop?
A: Crop safety is inherent with MilStop, though several crops including Poinsettias, New Guinea Impatiens and Pansy require caution when applications are made. Contact your BioWorks sales representative for information regarding changes in rate, application timing, or potential for phytotoxicity when using MilStop with these crops.
Q: When is the best time to use MilStop?
A: "Prevention is the best medicine." Use MilStop at the first sign of disease, or when environmental conditions exist that are favorable for disease growth. MilStop is very good for curative control of powdery mildew.
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