
  • Thrips on Plants: Get Rid of Them Fast

    Learning how to get rid of thrips quickly can be the difference between scrapping your plants and salvaging your garden.

    Of all the gardening pests you may have to deal with, thrips are some of the most annoying.

    Luckily, we have some tips to prevent them in the first place. But even the best prevention measures can render ineffective under certain circumstances.

    After we share some prevention tips, we'll help you figure out the best way to get rid of thrips quickly and safely, in hopes of saving your harvest.

    First, we need to explain why these insects are bad, and what they can do to your plants, along with how to identify them from other pests.

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  • How To Get Rid Of Whiteflies On Plants Fast

    If you recently noticed tiny white bugs on your plants, you may be on the brink of infestation, so you’ll need to learn how to get rid of whiteflies on plants fast.

    They can harm your garden or indoor grow by feeding on your plants, doing extensive damage in the process. But, not to worry.

    We will help teach you everything you need to know about this pest, including how to identify, prevent, and if necessary, kill white flies.

    Let’s start with some background information.

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  • How To Get Rid Of Grasshoppers Fast

    While they may not be as notorious as mites or aphids, you need to know how to get rid of grasshoppers fast if they infest your garden.

    These destructive pests can cause extensive damage to your plants if left to colonize and feed. 

    As voracious feeders, these bugs can eat up to half their body weight in food in less than 24 hours. And your fresh, leafy green foliage is their meal of choice.

    Both adult grasshoppers and nymphs have the potential to take down an entire garden. Luckily, there are some easy ways to eliminate these pests once you detect their presence. 

    In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to identify, prevent, and if necessary, get rid of grasshoppers fast.

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  • How To Get Rid Of Mealybugs On Plants Fast

    Are you struggling to understand how to get rid of mealybugs in soil or on your plants?

    Learning how to get rid of mealybugs is a good idea whether you currently are dealing with them or not because if one day you do deal with an outbreak, you need to act fast to salvage your crop.

    These tiny, white bugs have a scaley appearance and leave behind honeydew on your foliage which causes tons of problems.

    We’ll teach you how to identify these pesky buggers, along with some best practices for preventing them in the first place.

    If you still find an infestation, we have some natural, organic methods for eradicating them.

    Before all that, though, let’s start with some general information on this troublesome insect.

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  • Aphids on Plants: Get Rid of Them Naturally

    Learning how to get rid of aphids on plants can be the difference between saving your garden or scrapping it, hoping for better luck next time.

    Whether you're growing veggies, flowers, or any other plant you can think of - these are perhaps some of the most common garden pests you'll encounter. These pests don't discriminate between indoor or outdoor gardens, but one thing is certain - they will wreak havoc on your plants.

    In this guide, we will teach you how to get rid of aphids on plants if you do find them, along with how to prevent them in the first place. But first, we need to answer the simple questions of what are aphids, what do they do, and how do you identify them. Early detection is key in learning how to get rid of aphids permanently, so let's dive in.

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  • Fungus Gnats - How To Prevent And Remove From Your Grow Room

    Fungus gnats are a common indoor grow room pest, and can be incredibly frustrating.

    These small, black, mosquito-like flies reproduce rapidly and endlessly. If you do not take swift action at the first sign of an infestation, you are in for a world of trouble.

    Regardless of whether you are growing indoors or outdoors, you can run into these pesky bugs.

    Luckily, treating your infested grow room or garden can be pretty simple. We will give you a number of ways to eradicate them, ranging from standard pesticides to beneficial bugs.

    First, though, we need to go into more detail into what these bugs actually look like, and how to identify them. There are also a few things you need to know to ensure you aren't inviting them into your garden.

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  • Spider Mites on Plants - How to ID and Remove

    One of the smallest indoor gardening pests, spider mites can also be one of the most devastating to your plants.

    There are also a variety of spider mite species within the mite family. The rate at which these bugs reproduce is incredibly fast.

    Female spider mites can lay about 14,000 spider mite eggs during their life cycle. This means an infestation could grow to over 1 million spider mites in 4 weeks!

    This is why following a grow checklist, and checking your plants thoroughly on a consistent basis is so important.

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  • The Most Common Grow Room Pests And Diseases

    Insects and mites can really put a damper on your grow. Learn how to defeat each of these and what you can do to prevent them.

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