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General Hydroponics Product Documents
General Hydroponics FloraGro® Product Label
Stimulates structural and vegetative growth.
FloraGro from General Hydroponics builds strong roots, provides nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and secondary minerals.
Just like people, plants benefit from an appropriate diet. But different types of plants have significantly different nutrient needs, and these needs change during each growth cycle. So what's the best way to keep your fruits, vegetables and flowers happy and healthy?
Flora Series is the original three-part hydroponic-based nutrient system. And thanks to its ingredients, consistent performance and unparalleled results, it's the most-used nutrient today. A favorite among millions of growers, gardeners, scientists and researchers worldwide.
FloraGro builds strong roots during a plant's vegetative stage. The other two products in the FloraSeries are:
- FloraBloom - added while a plant is fruiting and/or flowering.
- FloraMicro - used during a plant's growth and bloom cycles.
By using different combinations of these products, you can fulfill each plant's exact nutrient needs based on its growth stage and environment. Your plants will receive the ideal balance of primary, secondary and micronutrients — and the results will show. Get ready for vigorous plants, large flowers, enhanced yields and nutrient-dense crops.
Designed to work in Coir, Hydroponics, Soilless and Soil.
General Hydroponics Application Notes
Which comes first, Armor Si or CALiMAGic- When using both Armor Si and CALiMAGic, add Armor Si to the reservoir first.
- When using Armor Si and/or CALiMAGic, with Flora Series, these producrs should be added prior to adding FloraMicro.
General Hydroponics FloraGro Questions & Answers
Why are there three parts to the General Hydroponics Flora Series nutrients?
The concept behind the Flora-series is simple: Different kinds of plants have significantly different nutrient needs, and these needs change during each plants growth cycle. By using different combinations of FloraGro, FloraBloom and FloraMicro, the grower is able to fulfill the exact needs of the plant at each stage in the plants life cycle. As the crop grows, the grower is able to precisely adapt the nutrient formulation to meet the crops changing requirements.
Can you explain the purpose of each component of the Flora Series?
In hydroponics, the plant roots are constantly provided with all the water, oxygen and nutrients they need. The challenge for the grower is to keep up with the plants needs, and to avoid damaging it with either excesses or deficiencies of minerals. As a general rule, a plant consumes more nitrogen during the formative or vegetative stage, and more phosphorus, potassium and magnesium as it flowers. Throughout its growth cycle, the plant will also consume calcium, sulfur and micro nutrients such as iron, manganese, boron, molybdenum and copper. FloraMicro, the foundation or "building block" of the Flora Series system, provides nitrogen and calcium as well as trace minerals, which are essential for a comprehensive hydroponic plant diet. By adding FloraGro to FloraMicro, the plant will receive additional nitrogen and potassium, which stimulates structural and foliar growth. To stimulate flower and fruit development, FloraBloom is added to provide the necessary phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulfur.
What is the shelf life of the Flora Series nutrients?
Properly stored (cool environment, out of sunlight, sealed container) they should last indefinitely.
Is the Flora Series organic?
First, what is or is not "organic" is the subject of intense debate. In the United States, there are numerous definitions of "organic", many of which differ significantly. Each state has its own regulations for labeling produce as "organic". Additionally, there are 36 non-governmental organizations, which can "certify" produce as organic. Now only crops grown from unrefined minerals are recognized as "organic". The trouble is unrefined minerals do not dissolve well for hydroponic use and some of these unrefined minerals contain quantities of impurities, some of which are toxic to plants. For that reason, FloraBloom, FloraGro, and FloraMicro are made from high quality refined minerals. This ensures high quality crop production, but prevents the crop from being considered "organic".Can I foliar feed with GH nutrients?
Of course. Make sure you use a weaker nutrient solution than you would for root feeding. Avoid foliar feeding in the heat of the day and under excessive sunlight. Generally, the best times to foliar feed are in the early morning and late afternoon. Make sure you spray the undersides of the leaves. This is where the stomata or "lungs of the plant" are located, and where maximum absorption occurs.
Can GH nutrients be used in soil?
Absolutely! All of GH nutrient blends contain the necessary elements for plant growth. Start with the formula ratios identified on the label for the specific plant or crop you are growing, and then adjust and experiment until you find the right formula for your specific need.
Do I ever need to drain the reservoir and refill with fresh water and nutrient solution?
Yes. The reservoir should be drained and rinsed every 7-14 days, depending upon plant size and nutrient usage. It should definitely be drained and cleaned whenever you change the nutrient ratio formula. It is also a good idea to rinse off the growing medium (Expanded Clay Pebbles, CocoTek Coir) each time the reservoir is cleaned. Plant waste will tend to accumulate on the growing medium.
Between cleanings, how often should I check the reservoir level?
Fast growing crops consume large amounts of nutrients and water so it is important to keep an eye on the reservoir every couple of days. Also consider the size of the plants(bigger plants, more water consumption) and how warm and dry the environment.(hotter, more transpiration).
How do I mix the Flora Series?
Always start with a reservoir filled with water, then add the concentrated nutrients one by one.
Never mix the nutrients together in their concentrated form, as this will cause nutrient "lock-out" making some minerals unavailable. It is best to begin by adding FloraMicro, stirring well, and then adding FloraGro and/or FloraBloom. If both FloraGro and FloraBloom are used, add one, stir well, then add the other.
What is a general purpose nutrient recommendation?
The proper ratio of each Flora Series nutrient depends on the crop and the stage of growth (look on the label for specific recommendations for different crops). However, as a rule of thumb we use the "1-2-3" ratio:
For seeds, cuttings, or delicate seedlings- Use 1/4 tsp. of each nutrient to 1 gallon water
For the vegetative stage of growth- Use 3 tsp. FloraGro to 2 tsp. FloraMicro to 1 tsp. FloraBloom to 1 gallon water
For late vegetative to pre-bloom stage- Use 2 tsp. of each nutrient to 1 gallon water
For bloom initiation to ripening stage- Use 1 tsp. FloraGro to 2 tsp. FloraMicro to 3 tsp. FloraBloom to 1 gallon water.
General Hydroponics FloraGro Reviews
- Great product
I use this like water
Review by Eggznogz on 2/6/2017