Protect your plant’s root system from high or fluctuating temperatures with AutoPot White Pots. The White Pot reflects extremes of heat away from the root system. By shielding the roots in this way White Pots help prevent the adverse effects of hot or varying temperatures on a plants growth management.
Specially designed for use in hot environments. Growing in White Pots is a simple and effective way to maintain constant temperatures for your roots allowing your plants to steadily thrive.
2.2 gallon white pot in white to fit AutoPot easy2grow and 1Pot modules and systems.
3.9 gallon white pot fits in the easy2grow trays, 1Pot trays or the Auto8 tray system.
XL 6.6 gallon white pot that will fit in the XL Trays, Auto9XL and Auto3XL tray systems.