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- Advanced Nutrients Nirvana Bloom Booster
For Organic High Value Gardening, Use This Premium 100% Organic Formula To Maximize The Size And Quality Of Your Buds
In your relentless quest for larger buds that are worth more to you and your associates, you now have an all-organic formula called Nirvana.
When you look at what Nirvana has In it, and how these organics work for you, that’s why Nirvana is the number one choice of growers seeking an organic way to maximize yield and quality. The benefits keep on coming when you use Nirvana, because it contains whey protein that has been pre-digested using enzymes instead of the acid process that most manufacturers use.
Enzymatically-hydrolyzed whey protein ensures that flower-boosting amino acids cysteine and tryptophan are preserved in the biologically-active “L” form. Most manufacturers use acid hydrolysis, which destroys L-aminos. When you use Nirvana’s enzymatically-hydrolyzed whey protein, your plants get L-aminos that stimulate floral growth and potency.
Another Nirvana benefit comes from two other plants: Chilean Soap Bark and Yucca. These amazing plants produce compounds called surfactants. A surfactant is a compound that reduces the “surface tension” of liquids so they and whatever they contain more easily enter your plants via roots and leaves.
Yucca extract and Chilean Soap Bark extract are two all-natural surfactants that transfer nutrients into your plants.
The Only True Organic Harvest-boosting Gift For Your Plants
Another of Nirvana’s potent bud potentiator ingredients is bat guano that contains nitrogen, trace elements, amino acids, nucleic acids, proteins and minerals. Bat guano is rapidly-absorbed by plants, enhancing growth.
Along with guano, Nirvana has a yeast component that contains 22 essential amino acids that build plant proteins, and it’s also loaded with B vitamins. B vitamins are particularly useful for cloning, seedlings, transplanting, motherplants and gardens where plants are being pushed hard for production.
Nirvana Provides Rich, Organic Nutrients For Your Plants
Nirvana contains a miracle substance called “azomite.” When you read the list of substances that are contained in azomite, you’ll see why it’s valuable for your plants. These include calcium oxide, carbon, iron, hydrogen, silica, gold, magnesium, nitrogen, sulfur, magnesium oxide, antimony, chromium, cobalt, boron, molybdenum, copper, phosphorus pentoxide, manganese, indium, silver, zinc and dozens of others.
In fact, virtually every element on earth is contained in azomite. You’ll notice that many of azomite’s ingredients are essential nutrients for your plants.
Another of Nirvana’s underground benefit for your plants is humic acid. It comes from leonardite, which is among the richest veins of organic material in the earth. Humic acid helps your plants intake and utilize nutrients. A related compound is fulvic acid, also derived from leonardite. Fulvic acid similarly transports nutrients into cells..
Putting It All Together For More Organic Growth Boosters In One Easy Formula
As you can imagine, it’s difficult for you to individually source or use these beneficial natural ingredients as individual supplements. For your convenience, Advanced Nutrients extracted, standardized and combined these powerful compounds into one formula, called Nirvana. Not only that, but Nirvana is triple-filtered and custom-blended you easily applied as a foliar feed or in any type of hydroponics irrigation root zone system.
Be aware that Nirvana is often placed on hydroponics store shelves along with competing products such as Pure Blend Pro and Liquid Karma, but Nirvana contains more crop-boosting ingredients than any other organic booster product. Not only that, Nirvana is the only 100% organic, concentrated, easy to use formula of its type.
In your quest to naturally enhance growth and maximize yields, Nirvana stands alone as a rich supplement that you want to feed your plants right away.
Follow This Simple Feed Chart Designed by our Research Team
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 |
2 mL/L | 2 mL/L | 2 mL/L | 2 mL/L |
Conversions: 1 Teaspoon = 5mL | 1 Tablespoon = 15 mL | 1 Ounce = 30mL | 1 Cup = 240 mL
Note: At Advanced Nutrients, we do not use paclobutrazol, daminozide, or any other banned plant growth regulators in our products.
ATTENTION: Nirvana is completely compatible with all pH Perfect® and non pH Perfect® Base Nutrients along with all competitors Base Nutrients and Supplements.
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